What if?
What if a caregiver or family member could help you achieve lasting relief at home?
Now it’s possible.
Relax, Release, Relief is a simple and gentle technique where one person is helping another achieve relaxation, release of tension, and relief by the application of slight pressure on various parts of the body. While not a medical treatment, and not designed to cure any specific illness, these techniques have had an undeniable impact on participants thus far.
People in pain need this information delivered to their home, cheaply and available worldwide. People are suffering and this could help.

Using these techniques is simple. It neither requires any special equipment, advanced anatomical knowledge, or developed hand strength to be effective. Anyone shown our techniques could be properly using them within minutes, simply by following along with one of our relaxation education guides.
Instead of painful forces, the most important aspects of Relax, Release, Relief are to maintain a constant state of calmness and a gentle touch for all participants. The forces applied via our fingertips, or an occasional blunt instrument (such as a pencil eraser) are surprisingly slight.
Yet this slight pressure is the very key to Relax, Release, Relief, and the most essential feature to it’s success. Nothing in our techniques should ever cause pain.
We have a relaxation video for nearly every part of the body, including the feet, knees, legs, hips, back, and so on, and we also offer this information in a written form. Our videos are completely free, and a printed book is available for purchase. RRR is not for profit, and we encourage people to share this content as much as possible.
All of our digital content is free to the public. We don’t collect or keep any personal information, but feedback and questions are always welcome. RRR is an ongoing process, and new techniques, or changes to existing ones will be occasionally added to our library of content.
This is meant as a relaxation technique only. Therefore, it requires no special certification to use. Due to the nonexistence of adverse side effects, we feel that nearly anyone, with minimal training, could easily perform most releases.
Once you feel like you’ve picked up the basics from our Introduction video, simply click on one of the videos below to take your first steps towards relaxation.

It’s something you can do

This 181 page volume carefully covers dozens of relaxation steps with full-color, step-by-step illustrations. The book is spiral bound for easy deployment, and is meant to be actively used while performing relaxation. Being fully revised and updated for the new Course Reference Guide, learning Relax, Release, Relief has never been easier. .
The Course Reference Guide can be used individually, but ideally pairs with our free video course, which will demonstrate relaxation in real time.
9 Chapters
In addition to our written manual, we offer full video guides, broken up into individual chapters corresponding to specific parts of the body. Relaxation is performed in real time, and is broken down into easily followed, step-by-step instructions. As always, you’ll need no expensive special equipment, prerequisite education, or developed hand strength to follow these courses, and can begin performing our techniques within minutes. All volumes are currently offered free of charge.
We recommend learning the basics of relaxation via watching our instructional videos, and using our written Quick Reference Guide as a long-term aid.