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Bring your pain and leave it here!



Workshop 1-4 Modules:
May 2-3

Priceville Event Center
Priceville, AL

Two different four-hour modules are offered each day, for a total of four modules. Each module is individually priced at $150, with the option to attend all four modules for $500. You can choose from any and all of the following:

  1. Foot, Ankle, Leg and Knee

  2. Hip, Low Back, and Abdomen

  3. Chest, Back, Neck, and Jaw

  4. Shoulder, Arm, and Hand


8:00 am - 8:30am: Brief Lecture: Chronic Pain and Foot Biomechanics

8:30am - 12:00pm: Morning RRR Workshop Module (Module 1 - May 2, Module 3 - May 3)

12:00pm - 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm - 1:30pm: Brief Lecture: Chronic Pain and Foot Biomechanics

1:30pm - 5:00pm: RRR Afternoon Workshop Module (Module 2 - May 2, Module 4 - May 3)

Relax Release Relief is incredibly gentle, with no adverse effects when done properly. Over 95% of those that participate report successful outcomes. You could gain the ability to restore painless movement, have chronic Pain melt away, have your maximum range of motion returns, your spasms relax, and your trigger points disappear, often permanently.


What will
you learn?

I am not your doctor*

I am a teacher, offering a an educational experience: a relaxation technique that almost anyone can do with or without medical training. If you have a healthcare license, this becomes a valuable tool in your treatment protocol. If you are not a licensed practitioner, in most states you can only perform RRR for free, with consent, as one person helping another with their permission. There is no guarantee of success, as every person is different, but the rate of success thus far has been extremely high.

At the end of each module you will leave with the ability to reduce or relieve someone’s muscle and joint pain, often permanently, depending on their underlying diagnosis. RRR may not help the pains of poor circulation, skin disease, gout, advanced neuropathy or neurologic disease. While RRR cures nothing, we think it works by resetting the pain threshold.


Who Should Attend?


Healthcare Practitioners: Add this new paradigm to your current treatment protocols for better outcomes. Start with a module where you and/or your patients suffer. Feel the difference for yourself. Although I am no help on coding, this is a very valuable, billable service and you can charge for it.

Good Samaritans: People who just want the ability to help the friend you came with, your family and friends and any others you meet who suffer needlessly. It is a magical ability to walk up to someone who is in severe pain and relieve it, often in minutes, often permanently with only your hands. I hope you will become proficient and teach it just like I am doing.

People in Pain: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” - Ancient Chinese proverb.

If you suffer chronic musculoskeletal pain for over 3 months, regardless of how long it’s been going on, diagnosis, previous treatments or surgeries, regardless of severity (10/10 flare is fine)….you will learn the technique by performing it on someone else and they will do it on you. Past 3 months most have already accomplished the difficult task; you are healing. The pain is a remnant of the injury and healing process, restricting your motion and making you miserable. Most attendees arrive in pain and leave painfree. No one can guarantee clinical success.

What To Expect:

A brief explanation of RRR followed by 3.5 hours of hands on instruction. Each release will consist of three components: passively, gently, positioning someone’s body, having them apply a gentle force against resistance while you apply a unidirectional force very lightly to a “relaxation point”.

For each release a different person will be used to demonstrate on. Simultaneous viewing of all releases on big screen both during demos and during practice.

We will perform each release on 2-3 other attendees until results indicate proficiency. Expect to have your body part (being studied) released at least twice by two different attendees.

At the end of each module you can purchase an RRR book ($100.) and/or a pair of Up-lift orthotics ($150), offered at promotional prices (price not included in course registration).


Please no lotions, moisturizers, oils, or lubricants of any kind, following bathing prior to the day attending. We recommend wearing loose garments such as workout sweatsuit or medical scrubs.
